Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic care for athletes, whether they’re professional athletes, college athletes, amateur athletes, or just someone who likes to stay active is a huge asset. Chiropractors practice as members of the sports medicine team for many professional sports teams in the United States.

Sports chiropractic care is an excellent choice for recovering from sports injuries. Aside from sports injuries, sports chiropractors also work to enhance athletic performance and physical fitness in their patients.

Chiropractic for Sports and Athletic Injuries

As a chiropractor with years of experience treating athletes, it’s my goal to provide a comprehensive approach to treating injuries and improving sports performance. Below are some of the evaluations and treatments I use when treating athletes:

Detailed Exam

The exam is the most important part of the first visit. This is where I get a detailed history of the injury or complaint a patient is coming in for. I want to know about how and injury happened, previous injuries, training type and volume, and goals of treatment. During the evaluation, I’ll do a basic neurological exam, checking reflexes, sensation, and muscle strength. I want to see how the patient is moving and how the joints and muscles feel while moving through different athletic activities and positions. Using the SFMA to find mobility, stability, and motor control issues help me find the root cause of the injury.

Rehab Exercise

Rehab exercise is an important part of the treatment for any injury, especially in athletes. I design a rehab exercise strategy to improve mobility, stability, and motor control issues that are limiting and painful. The strategy usually includes stretches to improve mobility, drills to improve stability and motor control, and sport-specific exercises.

Chiropractic Adjustments – Joint Manipulation and Mobilization


Our chiropractic providers are trusted by several local gyms as the official chiropractic providers for their athletes and members. If we determine your injury is severe enough that it requires an orthopedic, neurology, or emergency consultation we’ll direct you to the correct provider.

Why See a Chiropractor for Sports Injuries?

  • Improved sports performance: Mobility, flexibility, and movement deficiencies can interfere with an athlete’s body and cause their performance to suffer. Our chiropractors focus on identifying these issues and correcting them. It’s no surprise that almost all NFL, MLB, NHL, and Olympic teams have a sports chiropractor.
  • Reduced number of injuries: Chiropractors are experts on joint motion, alignment, and body mechanics. When you see a chiropractor you have the opportunity to catch poor movement patterns and imbalances early. This can help you avoid injuries that cause you to miss time playing your sport.
  • More effective training: If you’re a competitive athlete, you’re looking to maximize training volume and intensity. Chiropractic care and treatments like dry needling allow some athletes to increase the volume and intensity of their training. That’s why roughly 75% of athletic trainers refer their athletes to a chiropractor.
  • Reduced recovery time from injuries: Even when your injury is just a minor one, chiropractic care, and rehabilitation will get you back to training and competing faster. Addressing your injury with a chiropractor may also reduce the chance that it returns.

Sports chiropractic is the fastest growing segment within the chiropractic profession, and it is so for a reason. Chiropractorsss provide a unique service and professional athletes and sports teams have recognized it’s the benefit for years. Today’s chiropractors are becoming a more important part of the sports medicine team than ever.