Stretches and Corrective Exercises

Why Are Stretches and Corrective Exercises Important?

Creating a plan of stretching and corrective exercises is a critical part of healing injuries of joints and muscles as well as ensuring they don’t return. A prescription of stretches and corrective exercises provides a long-term solution to your pain or injury so you can recover faster and manage or relieve pain on your own. I provide in-office instructions on how to perform them in addition to using state-of-the-art software to send exercise videos via email.

What Types of Rehab Exercises Do I Use?

 A corrective exercise prescription often begins with stretching and simple movement pattern exercises.

Stretching exercises help joints and muscles to become more mobile and achieve a better range of motion. Stability and motor control exercises help you re-learn normal movement patterns that have become difficult or dysfunctional. Many patients exhibit recognizable patterns of muscular imbalance and poor movement patterns that can be corrected effectively with the right routine.

Some of the exercises I use include:

  • Bodyweight exercises
  • Kettlebell and dumbbell exercises
  • Theraband resistance exercises
  • More complex functional movement exercises
  • Sport or activity specific exercises

Each patient’s pain, injury, and goals are unique so I prescribe specific exercises based on the exam to get patients out of pain and moving better as soon as possible.