Graston Technique

What is Graston Technique?

Graston Technique is a form of manual therapy called Instrument Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM). It’s used to detect and treat scar tissue, tissue restrictions, fascia adhesions, trigger points, areas of referred pain, chronic inflammation, and tissue fibrosis. Generally, it’s used by clinicians to treat injuries or discomfort associated with joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia, and nerves.

The goals of Graston Technique, similar to other treatments, are to reduce pain, improve mobility, and restore function that may be lost with pain and injury. Graston Technique works by encouraging tissue remodeling and promoting a better healing environment in areas of soft tissue injury. It’s a mainstream treatment and Graston providers are on the staff of hundreds of amateur and professional sports organizations.

I’m Graston Technique trained and use Graston along with other manual therapies and rehab exercise strategies to treat many common complaints.

What does Graston Technique Feel Like?

Patients can typically feel their tissues moving and sliding underneath the Graston instruments. When working on a trigger point or area of fibrotic fascia, there is a “sandpaper” or “gritty” texture to the tissue and the treatment may produce warmth and mild redness. Often patients feel a reduction in tension and that general movement improves.

Is Graston Technique Used as a Stand-Alone Treatment?

I use Graston Technique as part of a comprehensive strategy, and typically not as a stand-alone treatment. Other treatments I may use it with include chiropractic adjustments, dry needling, and rehab exercise plans to resolve injuries as quickly as possible.